The Work and the Life – Growing with Jesus: Part 9-1

God is the true source of life and light in the universe. Just as rays of light shine from the sun, and just as streams of water pour out from a spring, blessings flow from the Father to His creation. When God’s life is in our hearts, it will flow out to others with love and a desire to bless others.

Saving us from sin is Jesus’ passion. He is so passionate with this mission that His life did not even matter. Instead, He went to the cross and died the most shameful form of death imaginable. Angels are also cheerfully working to help each other and us. Our self-centered hearts don’t understand this selfless service. The concept is foreign to us and some might call it humiliating or pointless. Angels are looking after us, in spite of our sin, and our fallen nature, and even though we are inferior in every way, caring for us is their calling and mission. Christ’s self-sacrificing love fills heaven and the spirit of this love is the reason for heaven’s joy and happiness. This spirit of self-sacrificing love is the same spirit that Christ’s followers will have, and it will be central to the work that we do.

When Jesus’ sacrifice and love becomes a central theme in our hearts, like a strong perfume, it cannot be hidden. This love will pour out of us and influence all that we do and say. Everyone we meet will feel this influence pouring out of our lives and hearts. Christ’s spirit is like an oasis in the desert, full of water and promising refreshment to everyone who is about to die of thirst.

When Christ’s spirit is in our lives, a level of service aimed at uplifting others and humanity in a way similar to how Jesus lived will become obvious. This spirit will lead to love, kindness, and sympathy towards all the created things that God cares about.

While Jesus was here on earth, His life was not about building a foundation that He could then relax upon afterwards. Instead, His life was a life of focused intensity on us—and on saving us from the sin within us. During His whole life, He walked the path of self-denial and He did not shy away from the difficult tasks, long hours, and constant traveling in order to reach those the Father had sent Him to reach. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). This was the goal and mission of His life. Everything else came second to it. Following through with this mission was Jesus’ food and nourishment. Self and self-interest had no place in His life and work.

Those of us who share in the grace Jesus provides will be ready to make any sacrifice to share the knowledge of this gift with others. They will do everything they can to make the world a better place during their stay here. This spirit is the result of the truly converted life. Immediately after learning about Christ and meeting Him for the first time, the changed heart and life looks for ways to share their newfound friendship with others. The knowledge of Jesus is not something that can be kept stuffed in one’s heart. If we are transformed into Christ’s image and filled with the Holy Spirit, we won’t be able to stay quiet about what Jesus has done for us. Anything and everything that Jesus has done for us we will want to share with others. Like the disciple Philip did immediately after meeting Jesus for the first time, he went and invited others to Him. When sharing Jesus with others, we will present all the benefits of following His plan here in the present life, and all the eternal benefits in the world to come. We will have a deep desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and share the truth about the His sacrifice and the Father’s love with others. We will want others to know and see “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

By blessing others, we will receive blessing ourselves. God planned for this to be our part in the plan of saving the world—specifically giving us the privilege of sharing Him with others. God has given us the privilege and responsibility of receiving His blessings so that we will have the opportunity of sharing His blessings. This is the most important task in the entire process, and choosing to bless others allows us to work together with God while changing people’s lives.

Next week, we will continue looking at what Christian living really looks like for modern day disciples of Jesus.


P.S. As always, if I missed something, or if you would like to respond on this topic, join the conversation below!