Monthly Archives: November 2012

Thoughts on Building a Bridge (pt. 2)

“In order to build a bridge, I must have anchors in both sides of the canyon.”

Last week, we began looking at this idea and we talked about how the first step we must take is to identify what side of the canyon we are on, who it is we are interested in reaching, and begin to build a strong anchor for the bridge on the side we are on. This first step is the easy part, both in building a bridge, and in building influence with others.

While the first step is easy, the second step is scary. It is the scariest one in the whole process. The second step in this process begins by taking a literal step, or even a leap of faith, over to the other side of the canyon. This could be leaping over to volunteering at a homeless shelter, over to an area of town that is dangerous, over to a different state/province, or even maybe over to a different country.

Read the rest of the post and join the conversation…