About Cam

Cam and Suzie“DesignerCam” Ross is the founder of DesignerCam.com and ReflectiveBibleStudy.com. He is the author of the ebook, “My First Steps with Jesus” that can be downloaded and read for free by signing up to his newsletter.

Cam wasn’t always happy, and being one of thousands if not millions of children who were raised living in a single parent home has given him a perspective on life and marriage that is growing rarer in today’s culture. For most of his growing up years, he struggled with anger and bitterness towards life.

All that changed shortly after moving to Idaho. He connected with a great church family, and also a great counselor/mentor. Over a two to three year process, Cam learned forgiveness—both forgiving others as well as himself—, and he also stepped into a new era of dreaming and setting huge “God-sized” goals for the future. Expect to see big things happen, because Cam doesn’t ever dream small.

In 2008, Cam married Suzie (pictured above) and they currently live in a nice little home in the Treasure Valley (Idaho).

Cindy Hirch Photo

“In the time I have known Cam he has grown tremendously in knowledge and confidence. You can see it in his writing and delivery. He has a caring heart and deep desire to share his walk with God and introduce others to a life of abundance in Christ. He has an ability to present information in a way that is relevant and easy to understand. His Bible studies are excellent tools for those who are just beginning their journey or further down the path in growth.”Cindy Hirch
Sharing Hope – http://cindyhirch.com